Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Watch out arteries: The KFC Double Down is coming back to Canada

Remembe that fried monstrosity that FKC released a little while ago called the "Double Down"? People's arteries the world over cringed the first time that "sandwhich" was released, and now it's bad with a "healthy" (notice the quotation marks!) spin to it.

First, the facts on these terrors:

  • Made from two sides of deep fried chicken holding together strips of fried bacon, cheese and special sauce, the whole sandwhich sits hardly larger than your hand. 
  • Contains 32 grams of fat (probably not the good kind either... I'm guessing trans and saturated here)
  • 1500 mg of sodium, or around a full day's worth.
  • It's total calorie count sits around 540. That's roughly equivalent to a giant bowl of pasta with sauce, except in this case the pasta and sauce would actually fill you up and has nutrients in it.
  • Nutritional value: none.

Needless to say, anyone who cares in the least bit about their body should avoid these. In fact, even the people who eat poorly on a regular basis will want to steer clear for their own good.

When it was first released, FKC owners flaunted the fact that it was the single most unhealthy food out there on the market at the time. People eagerly crowded restaurant lines to find out what losing six years of your life tastes like.

Now, the new "healthy" spin on these things is that the makers decided to cut down the sodium by 10%.

That's it... really.

So instead of 1500 mg of sodium they now contain 1320 mg of sodium, which is still way more than should be in any thing other than a salt lick. Nevermind the amount of fat, calories and the damage that these thigns will do to your blood sugar levels.

It is honestly frightening to think that anyone in the right mind would willingly eat these.

So what does healthy food look like? Well for one, it's a lot more colourful.

I'll even say it: it's a lot more flavourful too. Don't believe me? Check out our lifestyle menu. Flavour, colour and healthy? Now there's a real combo.

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