Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 Food that can make you more hungry

Uh oh, did you know that some foods, when eaten, can in fact make you more hungry? As if watching what you eat wasn't tough enough already, what with portions, calories, nutrients and all the rest to consider.

So here is a list of 5 foods that you want want to think twice about having if you're trying to watch your weight and eat healthy.

1) French Fries

One of the most popular foods in North America, French Fries, despite being made from potatoes, are definitely one of the more unhealthy foods out there. Whatever nutrients they might have been able to give yo, if steamed or baked with the skin, are virtually gone thanks to deep frying and the addes salt. 

French Fries are basically just salty, fat filled slices of starch. Because they normally accompany fast food, they often act as a stimulant to your taste buds, encouraging you to devour the often accompanying hamburger and sugary drinkthat came with the combo.

2) Potato Chips

Falling under the same category as french fries, Potato Chips have the same problems: potatoes gone wrong! How easy is it to sit on the couch with a bag of these while watching a movie and suddenly realizing that they are all gone and you're not any more full than you were ten minutes before?

The other problem with them, is that fast food chains, like Subways, which pretend to offer healthy alternatives to burger pits, offer Potato Chips as part of their combos, as if they were any better for you than fries! The only real difference is that the portion is smaller, but you still crave soft drinks and plow through your food once the bag of these suckers is opened.

3) Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs are one of the single worst foods a person can east. Made from the over processed scraps of meat that didn't make it into other processed products and burgers, these BBQ favourites contain a ton of preservatives, salt and other junk that your body doesn't really need. As well, they don't really fill you up. It's mostly the bun that takes up room in your stomach. 

People can literally sit down and eat hot dogs all day and not get full. I'm sure you've noticed that American eating contests usually involve these, where contestants can pack down dozens of them in a small amount of time. Tofu Dogs, which taste basically the same once all the dressings are on top, are a smarter choice, and so are burgers for that matter (being that they at least fill you up!)

4) White Pasta

As tasty as it is, White Pasta is basically regular pasta minus all the nutrients and benefits of the whole grain. It's light, easy to eat, and it can also make you more hungry. Because it doesn't really offer your body anything beyond some carbohydrates, eating bowl after bowl of pasta is hardly filling or rewarding for your body. It also encourages you to devour whatever else is being served at the meal, in larger portions than you normally would.

Whole Wheat Pasta, while on it's on is rather bland and tough to get through, tastes the same once covered with a home made tomato sauce and at least that way your body will get something good from the meal.

5) Flavoured Yogurt

While yogurt is a wonderful treat, notably the frozen kind that they serve at those popular Yeh! places all over town, is not always very healthy. Plain and light yogurts do give your body a ton of useful positive bacterial cultures to work with, great for helping sore stomachs, but Flavoured Yogurts tend to be loaded with sugar and other junk to make it more appealing. Eating this kind of yogurt doesn't really let your body know when your full. In fact, I've seen more than a few people head to a fast food place right after eating some flavoured frozen yogurt, just to actually feel full.

A wiser alternative would be to purchase plain yogurt and add in the fruits yourself. A good food processor can turn boring plain yogurt into something quite a bit more delicious, thanks to a handful of strawberries and a few slices of banana. Or ever, to get the most out of it, try making home made smoothies. Throw in some plain yogurt, ice cubes and a ton of fruit and berries and voilĂ ! A healthier, and tasty, alternative.

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