Monday, May 2, 2011

Sleep Deprivation Speeds Up Ageing

Back in March I wrote a blog about the unpleasant side effects of sleep deprivation, such as how we are subject to mood swings and general grumpiness.

While being in a bad mood is certainly unpleasant, and a just cause to argue for sleeping in, it turns out that scientists have once again put forward evidence that sleep deprivation can cause less than pleasant side effects.

In a recent article, scientists have found than sleep deprivation can speed up aging (or ageing, silly spelling differences) by a significant amount.

For women, regularly receiving less than 7-8 hours of sleep, and 6-7 for most men, can cause, over the cause of your life, your body to "age' an up to an additional 7 years. That might not sound like much, but imagine being 55, in great shape, just hitting retirement, and already feeling like your 62.

In fact, where exercise and eating healthy can help keep you young, a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle can speed up aging as well. Couple this with a lack of sleep, and you might start feeling the years well before you want to.

So, while I'm not encouraging you to sleep in past noon every day, make sure you give your body what it wants. Sleep well, and long enough. Don't forget about nutrition and exercise though!

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