Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reality TV Weight Loss and Exercise Programs: Not So Real...

Exercise and health driven reality television shows seem to the the tour de force on TV these days. How many different shows are there that involve races, weight loss, marathons and / or other physical challenges? By my last count, quite a few. The question we have to ask ourselves about these programs is: are they actually all that real?

Oftentimes these shows center on the theme of very rapid weight loss, such as The Biggest Loser. In this shows contestants set for themselves seemingly unrealistic weight loss goals and then, as it is touted, through will and determination, lose dozens of pounds over the course of a few short weeks. In one season a contestant lost 100 lbs in less than two months. In another, a different contestant dropped 34 lbs in a single week.

While these are impressive figures (pun intended?), especially since the contestants seem to be in good health after these major body transformations, there are a few things we need to keep in mind before hoping to follow suit and trim out waistlines exponentially.

1) The weight loss plans that these shows cover are a bit of a fantasy. When a contestant enters into a reality TV show's world, that is all that they do during every waking moment of their day. Losing 34 lbs in a week is quite doable if all you do is exercise for 40+ hours. For the rest of us, we have jobs, family and friends that require a fair bit of our time. Few people have the luxury to just drop everything for a few weeks and constantly work out.

2) We have to keep in mind that losing such a serious amount of weight can be far easier than making sure that it stays gone. Someone who just dropped 50 lbs and now weighs 150 lbs will have a much harder time maintaining that weight than someone who was always 150 lbs. Adapting to your new weight can be quite tricky, as it often means one has to keep up the same routine, or a similar one, as the one that got you there in the first place.

3) Rapid weight loss has the potential to be very unhealthy. Starving ourselves, succumbing to a fad diet, or not taking proper nutrition into consideration can take it's toll on our health and well being. It can also cause mood swings, and even depressing.... quite the opposite from the optimistic weight loss we might have been going for? As well, getting into a serious exercise routine can also lead to injuries if we are not prepared and take things too fast. Being sore the next day from a work out is one thing, but having torn muscles and sprains are not pleasant experiences.

The contests on these shows get by well because they are under constant supervision. They have nutritionists looking out for their diet, they have motivators to get them up and about every morning as well as personal trainers keeping a watch on them every second that they are in the weight room.

So, remember, before you watch one of these programs, and get exciting about some rapid weight loss, remember that sometimes television is far more fantasy than reality.

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