Monday, March 14, 2011

The path to a better lifestyle: Taking it one step at a time

I recently read an article about the obesity epidemic that is rapidly sweeping across the Western world and becoming one of the greatest health concerns of our time. According to the original article in the Sydney Morning Herald, the path to better health needs to better health needs to be taken one step at a time. Unlike the traditional mentality of suddenly going "cold turkey" or making some, usually impossible, New Year's resolution, we should try making little changes at first before slowly building up the big ones.

I couldn't agree more with the points raised in this article. Junk foods, when eaten regularly, can be just as addictive as nicotine. Finding the time to get in shape can be tough too, especially when you have an already hectic schedule. But that doesn't mean you can't try.

Start somewhere: set yourself reasonable goals. Begin with something simple, like cutting back on a cream and a sugar the next time you think about getting a double-double at Tim Horton's. Try to walk more; go for a stroll down the street to the corner store instead of driving. Remember to have some greens with every meal.

 Of course, for those of you looking to change your lifestyle slowly but surely, and lucky enough to live in Montreal, we can help you take the first step by getting things right with your diet. Our Lifestyle Meal Delivery Service can help get the nutrition your body needs, without having to spend hours in the kitchen every week. Our Weight Loss Meal Delivery Service can also help you go one step further towards your ideal body mass index. When either of these are coupled with the right amount of physical exercise, can achieve your health goals all that much quicker. But remember: it's not a race. Take things slowly. Get your nutrition right, and then start with those small exercise steps. Even if you're just having one more healthy meal a weak, and walking for 20 minutes more than usual, it's still a start. Maybe the week after you will be having two meals, and going for a jog instead of a walk. All it takes is starting somewhere.

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