Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nutrition Month in Canada - March 2011

Time flies: we're already half way through March. The weather is getting warmer, there is less snow on the sidewalks (here in Montreal, at least) and Spring is on its merry way.
It also means we're already half way through Canada's quasi-official "Nutrition Month", as encouraged by the Dieticians of Canada Association. This is the month where we are all encouraged to start thinking about our nutrition, and hopefully taking some steps towards improving it. According to Nutrition Month website, the theme for this year is "cooking together", because it's the time to "Celebrate food... from field to table".

Cooking is great in that it is not only a means to nourish ourselves, but also to socialize with friends and family. Especially now that the weather is on the rise, and everyone feels less like hibernating, it's the perfect time to invite some people over and have a kitchen party... or even for a few daring souls (I know who you are) it could be time to pull out the barbecue and start grilling some veggies.

The other half of this month's theme is equally important. It encourages us to celebrate food, and not condemn it. Unlike what a lot of diets would lead you to believe, food in and of itself is not a bad thing. The danger lies in eating the wrong foods. The key part of the slogan "from field to table" is just that: know where your food comes from (notice it doesn't say "from field to factory to table!"). Meals cooked from fresh ingredients are essential for keeping your body happy and healthy. We should try to avoid foods that add that extra step, and become "processed", because they are often loaded with too much sodium, trans-fats and preservatives... things that your body doesn't need!

But not everyone is a chef, or even has the time to cook. Healthy meal delivery services, ones that guarantee fresh ingredients and no additives are one option to eat better. Though, it doesn't hurt to add something quick and easy to put together to your meal like a salad loaded with garden greens. Just don't forget to invite your friends!

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